By default Eclipse plugin does not add /build folder into ignored resources and that may cause /build folder to be validated. Then many warnings will appear in Markers tab of Eclipse. Beside that it may be performance problem.
UPDATE 2018-09-18
It seems there is much better and easier way now: ResourceFilter
Example on that page exactly fits, just replace “node_modules” by “build”, so it looks like:
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
eclipse {
project {
resourceFilter {
appliesTo = 'FOLDERS'
type = 'EXCLUDE_ALL'
matcher {
id = 'org.eclipse.ui.ide.multiFilter'
arguments = '1.0-name-matches-false-false-build'
I found almost suitable solution here: Unfortunately it adds new filter into configuration during each ‘gradle eclipse’. Here is my fix for that situation:
eclipse.project.file.withXml { xmlProvider ->
Node project = xmlProvider.asNode()
Node node = project
if (node.filteredResources.isEmpty()) {
node = node.appendNode('filteredResources')
} else {
node = node.filteredResources[0]
if (!node.filter.any {[0].value()[0]=='1447321705713'}) {
Node filter = node.appendNode('filter')
filter.appendNode('id', '1447321705713')
filter.appendNode('name', '')
filter.appendNode('type', 10)
Node matcher = filter.appendNode('matcher')
matcher.appendNode('id', 'org.eclipse.ui.ide.multiFilter')
matcher.appendNode('arguments', '1.0-name-matches-false-false-build')
So filter node is added only in case it does not already exists.