In recent post I have described dynamical way of AspectJ waving. Today I have tried compile time way. So no JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS is necessary.
See for details:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
classpath "nl.eveoh:gradle-aspectj:1.5"
project.ext { aspectjVersion = '1.8.6' }
apply plugin: 'java' //eclipse support
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
apply plugin: 'eclipse-wtp' apply plugin: 'aspectj'
In Eclipse install through Help->Eclipse Marketplace plugin “AspectJ Development tools”. Then add into Gradle (adjusted version of
eclipse.project.file.withXml { xmlProvider->
def projectDescription = xmlProvider.asNode()
def xmlparser = new XmlParser()
def builders = projectDescription.buildSpec[0]
def ajbuilder = xmlparser.createNode(builders, 'buildCommand', [:])
xmlparser.createNode(ajbuilder, 'name', [:]).setValue('org.eclipse.ajdt.core.ajbuilder')
xmlparser.createNode(ajbuilder, 'arguments', [:]);
def natures = projectDescription.natures[0]
def ajnature = xmlparser.createNode(null, 'nature', [:])
natures.children().add(0, ajnature)
Then execute gradle eclipse, refresh workspace and run Project->Clean->All projects. Then start your project and waving should be already done. You can check existence of AspectJ builder in context menu of project, Properties->Builders->AspectJ Builder.